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Resurrection Sunday and What It Means For Us - Rosa Younan

Resurrection Sunday and What It Means For Us


Easter is a joyful celebration for Christians everywhere but what is it that we are really celebrating? Rosa Younan ponders our role in Resurrection Sunday.

During this season, Christians around the world are celebrating this special day. For some, it is Easter, but I prefer to call today, “Resurrection Sunday.”

Why? Because that’s what it is. The Sunday that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, after being in the tomb for three days.

For some, though, that’s it. A simple remembrance day of something special. Or perhaps even just celebrating the arrival of spring. Is this season of April just a day for bunnies and children, or is there more to it? If so, what does it have to do with us?

Read on and find out. There will not be a quiz!

1. Not Just History

Resurrection Sunday is not just about Christ rising. Yes, that is the main point, but many other things happened at that moment.

For starters, Jesus conquered death. By His Resurrection, He saved us all from death as well. Think about that for a moment. You and I will never die! Isn’t that a reason to celebrate?

1 Corinthians 15:55-57 says,

“O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin it’s power. But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Second, it is crucial for us all to know something. This is not history! Did it happen years ago? Yes. Is it in the past? Absolutely not! Confused? Just stay with me and look at this.

One definition of history is, “The study of past events, particularly in human affairs.”

Well, there you have it. Christ is not a mere human, and His glorious Resurrection from death itself is no human affair.

The Resurrection is not just a famous act that happened thousand of years ago that we just recall. It is a present celebration for all who are under Christ’s salvation. Why? Because according to the

Scripture, we will rise too. So whenever we praise, pray, or remember Christ, we become a witness to His Resurrection.

Today is a celebration for both Christ and us, so we should find joy in our hearts!

2. It Did Really Happen

I’m sure most who are reading this are true and firm believing Christians, yet I felt like I should reaffirm this statement if there are any skeptics.

Yes, Jesus Christ did truly rise from the dead, after lying in a sealed tomb for three consecutive days. I urge all of you to read Luke 24:1-12. If you know the story, it can’t hurt to be reacquainted with it. If you do not, the story could change your life.

The apostles did not steal the body of Jesus from the tomb because there was a huge stone rolled into the entrance, blocking anyone from going in or out. Also, the tomb was being guarded by soldiers that I’m sure the apostles didn’t want to mess with.

So yes, the Resurrection did take place, and by this incredible miracle Christ proved to all, He is God!

Even to the skeptics.

3. What About Us?

So, now the next question to answer is, “What about us?” Because let’s face it, God is loving and merciful, so most of all His big plans included us. Even the Resurrection.

So, now that we know what Christ defeated by His Resurrection, we also know what we can conquer. Why? Because Christ lives in us! When we become saved and children of God, we no longer use our own mind, thoughts, emotions and desires. They are all Christ’s.

Still don’t think it’s is a big deal for you? Well, what if I told you that through Jesus’ Death and Resurrection you:

A.) Are free from all sin and can obtain forgiveness at any given time without a fine.

B) Can obtain and carry a permanent feeling of joy and peace throughout the rest of your life here on earth.

C) Will never experience death but remain in an eternal housing of love and joy with all your friends and Jesus.

D) Finally, get free access to the Christians perks like total immunity from sin, peace of mind, and security in the afterlife.

Want to join? You did when you became a Christian, and those are just some things Jesus gave to us freely when He died and rose again. If you’re not a Christian, I pray this article will lead you to join the family! Seriously, your life is nothing to take lightly, and Christ does not think little of it.

4. How Do We Celebrate?

Well, besides buying great food and hanging out with family, there are more personal things you can do to celebrate today.
Thank God for this lovely and free gift. Thank Jesus also for coming freely for us and giving us His unconditional love.

Pray for God to show you ways you can become closer to Him. Make an attempt to create a personal relationship with your Saviour and best friend, Jesus.

Use this day to introduce someone else to this life. Even if they don’t listen, God will bless you for the thought. Also, that person may actually turn to God. Who knows?

5. Conclusion

I hope this short article has helped you rearrange your outlook on Resurrection Sunday. Today is a day of hope, joy, and love. We have all those things because of what Jesus did. Enjoying time with family is fine, but don’t let it block out the real reason behind it all.

However, I’d like to wish you and all your families a bright and blessed Resurrection Sunday!

Now, go live like someone who’s been saved and given a second chance. After all, we all have been!

God Bless!

About Rosa Younan

Rosa Younan
Hey! My name is Rosa and I’m a homeschooled sophomore! I’m also in love with anything about sports. Athleticism runs in my family. My hobbies are writing, cooking, painting, and making my family and friends laugh! The Bible is my study book, and bread and water. I love being homeschooled and think that it’s the best thing my parents did next to raising us to know God.

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