Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
Onward, Ever Onward! Lenten Advice for Homeschoolers

Onward, Ever Onward! Lenten Advice for Homeschoolers

Lent is flying by and the pink vestments (or the rose, as many a priest has informed many a congregation) have made their appearance during the Mass, for Laetare Sunday. That means we are more than half-way through the Lenten season. Most of us find that exciting because we see the light at the end of the Lenten tunnel. Easter is right around the corner!

Our priest gave us a slightly different perspective.

When it came time for the homily, he didn’t give the usual pep talk about the hardest part being over. Instead, he said, that being a bit of a pessimist, he always felt at this time of year that the hardest part of Lent is yet to come.

Now that the novelty of our Lenten practices has worn off, our resolutions may start to weigh on us and the real work will begin. The magnitude of the uphill climb is now in sharper focus.

Many of us are at a little beyond the mid-point of our school year. For some this is a wonderful time and they are able to look back at all the good things that have been learned and experienced and forward to the new challenges that lie ahead. Others may see things more like Father. They may be a little more worn down, or worn out and prefer not to look back, or to think about what lies ahead in the next few months, for whatever reason.

Almost every family has experienced each of these sentiments. Father’s homily made me think about how we might change our more negative perceptions into more positive ones.

What steps can we take to reignite our excitement and joy in homeschooling and in our daily lives? How do we get over that mid-year hump?

  • The first thing that came to my mind was to pray. Say the Rosary, go to daily Mass and/or Adoration as often as you can. Talk to your Guardian Angel and patron saints.
  • Shake things up a bit. Get a little more hands on with your studies. Consider taking some of your classes outside, now that the weather is beginning to get a little nicer. Do a rosary walk, or stations around the back yard or neighborhood or on a hiking trail. Maybe a field trip is order.
  • Take the time to look at the positive. Find that silver lining, no matter how well it’s hiding. Try to see that setback as an opportunity and know that God has it all in hand. (That is often the hardest thing for me.)
  • Be thankful for all the progress made, no matter how small, and celebrate the little things.
  • Practice the art of kindness. During this Lenten season one of my resolutions has been to be more kind. As an aid toward that goal, I am reading Father Lovasik’s The Hidden Power of Kindness. It is amazing how simple acts of kindness can turn a difficult day around.
  • Let go and let God… I guess that just about sums it up.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

–Reinhold Niebuhr

God bless you. May your Lent be fruitful and your Easter joyful.

May you path be filled with every grace and peace.

Header Image CC thisisbossi

About Marlicia Fernandez

Marlicia homeschooled her two children with Seton for fourteen years in Europe and in the USA. She has a BS in Special Education with concentrations in music and in psychology. Marlicia works for Seton in Special Services and Grading. Meet Marlicia
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