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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

“It Doesn’t Have to be this Way!” Ginny Seuffert’s New Book Release

It Doesn’t Have to Be this Way!

Common Sense Essentials for Raising Great Catholic Children and Bringing Peace to Your Home

It Doesn’t Have to Be this Way!

Common Sense Essentials for Raising Great Catholic Children and Bringing Peace to Your Home

You asked for it, and here it is!

For years parents have listened to author, lecturer, and homeschool veteran Ginny Seuffert, send home the notion that clear, confident and consistent parenting is the key to successful homeschooling. Often parents would tell her, “I just wish I could bring you home with me. My kids just don’t want to listen or obey.”

Now you can bring Ginny Seuffert to your home.

This little book is short, sweet, and to the point. It is chock-full of practical, commonsense advice that has worked successfully for generations of parents. Ginny’s experience as a mother of 12 and grandmother of 18 shines through topics including how to call a truce in the mealtime and bedtime wars, good manners, proper church behavior, building a responsible and industrious work ethic, avoiding overindulgence, and much more!

Ginny Seuffert

Ginny Seuffert: Author and Columnist

Ginny Seuffert has been a leading writer and speaker about homeschooling and Catholic family life for more than two decades.

She has given hundreds of talks at Catholic Homeschooling Conferences and has written scores of articles on everything from discipline to home management.

She is a founding member of the Illinois Association of Roman Catholic Home Educators, helped establish the “Round Table” (a Catholic home school leadership discussion group), and became a founder and officer of the Catholic Home School Network of America.

Ginny writes the column: Ginny’s Gems

Ginny’s Gems: 10 Essentials for Teaching Your Preschooler at Home

Study after study shows that homeschooled children receive an all-around better education. The one-on-one relationship between the starter student and the teaching parent leads to astonishing academic progress. Ginny affirms with humor and good sense that homeschooled children have teachers who love them more than anything in the world. Her practical counsel will help your homeschooled children forge strong ties with parents, siblings, and other family members. After all, what could be better then to learn life skills at mom’s knees!

Simple and Straightforward

“A quick and easy read. Puts your mind at ease and helps calm those fears of never doing enough…loving your child is always enough, the rest takes care of itself.”


Refreshing and Encouraging

“This book was very encouraging & exactly what I needed. I enjoyed the straightforward & upfront style. She gets right to the point. This book has helped refresh my homeschooling experience.”


Ginny’s Gems: Home Management Essentials

10 Ways to make your homeschooling journey simpler and more effective.

A straightforward, practical guide to managing your home and family life amidst the exciting challenges of home schooling your children. Ginny delivers her practical advice in her natural no-nonsense, commonsense, and humorous manner. This great book is intentionally short so that every busy home schooling mother can benefit from reading it. Turn the messiest, unorganized house into a tidy, cheerful home! Possess the plan to keep the chaos under control while bringing a peaceful way of life to your household!

So practical!!

Having 7 children ranging in ages 12-1, I loved that it was a short, easy read—soooo practical. I’m joining the ”white towel ” club and hope to simplify my life. I love Ginny’s practicality and humor and very positive outlook in raising a large family.


 The Commons Sense Solutions We’ve Lost!

“LOVE this book and all the wisdom in it. It provides a rational, no nonsense guide for those of us struggling to make it through the day… I’ve heard Ginny on the radio as well and she’s the REAL DEAL. Quick read as well, thank you!”

J. Estermann

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