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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Letter from the Director

Counter Cultural

The home schooling apostolate is a truly counter cultural movement, a contradiction to the current self-obsessed culture. The home schooling apostolate is evidence of an attitude of service to others ...

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California Crisis

A few months ago, in February, we considered the decision of a lower court in California as a crisis. The court decided that home schooling is illegal in California unless ...

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Little Things

Sister Josefa Menendez, who has not yet been declared a saint, but whose writings have been personally recommended by Pope Pius XII, gives us a great example of the quiet way to sanctity through devotion to daily duty. Sister Josefa received many visions from Our Lord. She obediently wrote His message of love, now published in the book The Way of Divine Love. During the Lent of 1923, Jesus revealed to her His sufferings, both physical and mental.

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