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Seton and JPCatholic Students Know and Live the Truth Boldly


Teresa Doherty knows first hand how Seton Home Study and John Paul the Great Catholic University prepare students to know and live out the truth boldly.

In Plato’s famous allegory of the cave, self imprisoned individuals are kept in the dark of a cave, only able to see shadows of a false reality.

For the most part, the prisoners are satisfied with this false shadow world and create fictitious realities in their minds based on only shadows of understanding.

When one prisoner finally leaves the cave, it is difficult but liberating when he adjusts to light and reality. The man in the story travels from seeing shadows of reality to reflections, to finally being able to face the light and in turn, understand actual reality and truth.

In a direct way, a good scholastic curriculum is one that teaches, readies, and prepares the student to fight for the light of the truth. This strong attitude of fearlessness is reflected especially in the often-repeated words of St. John Paul the Great, “Be not afraid!”

As someone who spent 10 years fully enrolled in Seton Home Study School and then a busy two years of high school in dual enrollment, I can say with confidence that Seton prepares students to know and live out the truth boldly. As a sophomore Humanities student at John Paul the Great Catholic University, I clearly see how Seton prepared me for college.

How Seton and JPCatholic Work Together

Founded in 2003 John Paul the Great Catholic University is a unique university focusing on media arts. JPCatholic provides a place where artistic and like-minded Media, Humanities, and Business majors can study while staying close to Christ.

Just as the Seton home environment encourages harmony and teamwork between siblings, parents, and students, JPCatholic has a community of students that support each other. It is a common occurrence for those of other majors to act in their friends’ short films, or for film students to use the script their humanities friend wrote.

Because JPCatholic is on a quarter system, time management is crucial. Yet, to a Seton student, this task is not quite as daunting as it might be to some. Indeed, Seton is already on the quarter system, a fact that directly prepares students for the speed of learning at JPCatholic, where a quarter is just a quick ten weeks. Because it is a three-year curriculum, students attain their undergraduate degree in three years.

Seton creates a strong foundation immersed in the truth of philosophy and theology. From an appreciation of Church history and art to studying the Catechism, I have found a continuation of this type of education at JPCatholic. My freshman year at JPCatholic included classes in the philosophical tradition of Aristotle, Plato, and Aquinas. Some of my favorite classes in this area have included Epistemology, Philosophy of Man, and Philosophy of Nature.

Seton certainly lives up to its reputation as preparing one through writing skills as well. Because of the confidence, I gained in Seton for writing, I have been able to participate and enjoy more fully what JPCatholic offers, such as its Long Form Prose Fiction Workshop in which I wrote a seventy-page novel in just ten weeks. Hand in hand with writing skills, Seton also prepared me with an appreciation of literature.

Another gift that Seton gave me was a love of poetry. At JPCatholic I have been able to take poetry classes, participate in a reading class, and even make my own poetry book as part of a class.

Hands-on Opportunities

It is important to emphasize that JPCatholic is a very hands-on school in which one’s faith is able to flourish. In Plato’s cave allegory, the man who steps out of the cave must take a hands-on approach to his learning.

This approach is reminiscent of the Seton curriculum, which provides so many examples of saints who lived out faithfully and unafraid, even when it required bravery to face the bright light of truth. For example, there is even a class at JPCatholic where students can teach Confirmation classes and receive credit for it.

In one business class, a group of four other students and I made a curriculum for a Catholic Club, that we hope to use at schools in the future. These faith-filled opportunities are also in addition to many field related programs, film shoots, and studies. The university also encourages the student’s faith formation through daily Mass, adoration, and many activities.

Overall, I believe I was better prepared for JPCatholic due to Seton’s immersion, in reality, appreciation for art, encouragement of personal relationships, and love of the faith and the truth!

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