Families homeschool for better education and to strengthen family ties but chief among the reasons may be keeping God at the center of their lives.What I love most about homeschooling is the closeness that homeschooling has allowed our family to foster each day.
My older boys help their younger sister and, in so doing, learn leadership and how to give solid direction.
Nothing is more important than their salvation, and Seton Home Study School helps me help my children take a virtuous path in all aspects of their lives.
The Besel Family, – Harlem, GA | May-June 2024
The Greatest Benefit of Homeschooling?
Seton Home Study School has deepened our Catholic faith. We believe our son will grow with a loving heart and strong faith in God.
The extensive curriculum and Seton’s support in our son’s homeschool journey are wonderful! Seton Home Study School has always been a blessing to our family.
We hope that many families will get to know Seton Home Study School.
The Jubilan Family – Quezon City, Philippines| March – April 2024
The Greatest Benefit of Homeschooling?
Freedom! And learning more about the One True God, who loves us.
We chose Seton Home Study School because it is a solid Catholic program that provides great support to parents to help children succeed.
What we love most is the flexibility to attend daily Mass and learn at our own pace.
The Reyes-Ortiz Family – Augusta, Georgia | January – February 2024
What we love about Seton Home Study School is the staff’s patience,
that the curriculum incorporates self-study,
and that our students are developing autonomy.
In every course, be it Science or Math, God, and morality are deemed the priority — this gives our students the indelible notion that God is real and is here.
Seton Home Study School has shaped the minds and hearts of our students, and, as traditional Catholics, we are loving it!
The DeLuna Family, Hamilton, NJ | November – December 2023
Homeschooling allows the kids to go at their own pace while at the same time nudging them forward.
We can take extra time in some subjects the kids like or even explore those interests
in the real world by doing field trips or interacting with people.
We chose Seton because of its strong emphasis on Catholic formation, beautiful materials,
and a more organized and structured approach.
The Dagus Family, Quezon City, Philippines | September – October 2023
What I love most about homeschooling is being with my children and as an older mom,
I want to be involved in as much of their lives as possible.
Why did I choose Seton Home Study School?
I like the flexible schedule.
Everything is planned for us, and I trust the course selections.
Hillsboro, OR – The Marquez Family | July – August 2023
Homeschooling enables us to use family and community as
the main support system in our educational efforts.
We chose Seton because it was rigorous, affordable, and had a balanced schedule.
We love the engaging and Faith-based material as well as the intriguing literature for the reading subject.
Augusta, GA – The Jilek Family | May – June 2023
We love being able to attend daily Mass.
And the accountability we all have to each other about living a sacramental life.
Growth in our Faith!!!!!!!!! I can’t express this enough!!
I am sure this would never have happened without homeschooling and God’s grace.
Kailua, HI – The Garcia Family | March – April 2023
We love the flexibility that homeschooling provides and the bond it creates by being home and learning together.
We are able to go to Mass during the week as well!
The greatest benefit of homeschooling?
We are learning our faith in every subject and teaching values and morals that we hold so dear to us in a broken world.
Warwick, RI – The Botelho Family | January – February 2023
The greatest benefit of homeschooling is being able to help each child individually
and give them the time they need to develop their God-given talents.
We chose Seton for its deeply Catholic teachings, seen consistently through their books
and the support system that Seton has developed so well.
We love the flexibility that Seton provides for each student and the family.
Rogers, Arizona – The Barnard Family | November – December 2022
We chose Seton Home Study School since the curriculum is God-centered, and we love how the Catholic faith is incorporated into every subject.
We love the idea that reading is greatly encouraged as we agree that teaching children to form the habit of reading is really beneficial for them.
Seton Home Study School provides a very manageable homeschooling system since the lesson plans are so parent and child friendly.
Dubai, United Arab Emirate – The Tan Family | September – October 2022
I graduated from Seton and I knew it would give both of my kids a well-rounded Catholic education.
I love the individualized curriculum, that lesson plans can be adjusted to the student, and that the counselors are always willing to answer questions and provide help when needed.
Barksdale AFB, LA – The Humphery Family | July – August 2022
What inspired us to begin homeschooling was the testimony of other families.
I love the flexibility and the opportunity for family bonding.
We chose Seton Home Study School because our family’s roots are Catholic, and we wanted to introduce our children to the Catholic Faith.
Doha, Qatar – The Velez Family | May – June 2022
I choose Seton Home Study School to be sure my children would receive an academically rigorous and fully Catholic education at home.
The greatest benefit of homeschooling has been having the flexibility to balance school with other enriching activities and the
peace of mind that my children are receiving a superior education and thorough formation in the Catholic faith.
Meeting other Seton families was also a reason!
New Milford, CT – The Seuss Family | March – April 2022
I love the freedom that homeschooling gives us to use the style of learning that best fits my kids.
The flexible schedule also makes it easier to complete tasks and join sports and other activities.
We chose Seton because it’s a good Catholic school with helpful counselors who understand the student’s and parent’s needs.
Dubai, UAE – The Quito Family | January – February 2022
I love the curriculum and that Seton made it possible for us to go to daily Holy Mass and have a Catholic atmosphere in our home.
We have been using Seton for over ten years and I recommend it to everyone I meet. I love that whenever I encounter a problem Seton personnel are always there for us.
Tyler, Texas – The Sousa Family | November – December 2021
I enjoy the time with my children and the ability to infuse our Catholic Faith deeply in all that we do.
I am a psychologist in private practice, and together with my husband we own and run a martial arts school. Homeschooling makes it all possible!
Laredo, Texas – The Kuhns Family | September – October 2021
What I love the most about homeschooling is sharing the love for our faith and family with my boys.
Homeschooling gave us the ability to be there for loved ones as their life ended and celebrating with them because sometimes learning our faith comes in other forms.
Jonesville, MI- The Seiffertt Family | July- August 2021
The greatest benefit of homeschooling for us is being able to spend more time with our children.
Homeschooling also helps them become more independent with their work while allowing me to be there for them when needed.
They also can do more activities after finishing their school work.
Chicago, Illinois – The Salazar Family | May- June 2021
We love that all of the classes, even math, are Christ-centered!
The COVID pandemic made it a simple choice to begin homeschooling since schools, including Joey’s parochial school, were closed to in-person learning.
We love that all of the classes, even math, are Christ-centered. The books are beautiful works of love and devotion,
making Seton the clear choice to a sound Catholic education.
Waunakee, Wisconsin- The Johnson Family | March- April 2021
Seton makes homeschooling a treat! Our kids love it and it is just amazing!
We always wanted to homeschool because we like having our kids learn the Catholic faith through school. We chose Seton because it puts great moral materials in its courses and just makes it all really fun! Our kids love Seton because it helps make them so creative. It also helps them go the extra length to get things done and to find out what they want to do with their life. –
Cottonwood, Idaho – The Parmantier Family | January – February 2021
We love the ability that we can have a fantastic and rigorous curriculum where ever we might be sent to next.
We were in quarantine and we needed a way to continue our children’s schooling. We also were searching for a solid and complete Catholic traditional education. It was important that we could do it at home during this pandemic!
The Tolsma Family | November – December 2020
Homeschooling allows us to spend more quality time together as a family.
Homeschooling allows us to spend more quality time together as a family and foster a better relationship with God. And as a military family, we can home school wherever we’re stationed.– The Bacomo Family | September – October 2020
We love how flexible it is and that we got to spend more time with our girls.
The Gonzales family learns to discover things on their own, find solutions to problems, and work on building their character. Seton Home Study School is an answered prayer. – The Gonzales Family | July – August 2020
To share more time with my son and have time to go to the daily Mass.
Mrs. Martinez loves that Seton involves Christian values in all the subjects and the time it allows for Pablo’s piano practice and being with the family. – The Martinez Family | May – June 2020
To Have the Freedom and Flexibility to Travel
I wanted my daughters to receive a Catholic education but could not afford to send them to Catholic School; also, with my older parents living in another country, I wanted the freedom and flexibility to travel there in case of an emergency, without it being an educational setback for my children.– The Edwards Family | March – April 2020
To Provide a Healthy School Environment
We began homeschooling because the public school environment was not healthy for our oldest son. I love that my kids and I can attend daily Mass, and I can provide them with a Catholic education and teach them Catholic values. I also love that we are able to spend more time together, travel, and enjoy outdoor activities. – The Haynes Family | January – February 2020
To Be With My Children and Teach Them Daily
I never pictured myself as a homeschooling mother, but during the year that I spent discerning between homeschooling and public school, I felt the Lord put the desire in my heart to homeschool and be with my children during the day. In the end, I had more peace with the idea of homeschooling than public school and answered the call of what I feel ultimately fulfills my vocation as a mother – to be with my children and teach them daily. – The Velasquez Family | November – December 2019

To Emphasize Family Unity Amidst the Challenges of Military Life
Homeschooling keeps our faith at the heart of everything our son learns, but it also helps us emphasize family unity amidst the challenges of military life. We had continuity even during an overseas move and can explore new places without concern for school absences. Seton has truly blessed our family. – The Sibal Family | October 2019 online Seton Magazine
To Give Our Children One-on-One Attention
We homeschool because my husband is a public school teacher. He knows kids learn better with one-on-one instruction and nothing provides that more than homeschooling. We chose Seton because of the structure. I was nervous to begin the journey and there is no guesswork with Seton. They give me what we need and I know my children are receiving a quality Catholic education. – The Nelson Family | September – October 2019
To Grow Stronger as a Family
Homeschooling with Seton Home Study School is a major blessing to our family. It has allowed us the freedom to grow stronger as a family and deepen our knowledge and love for our Catholic Faith. Our children appreciate the chances homeschooling provides them for their hobbies after their academic work is done. – Jerry and Abigail Ahrens | July-August 2019
For Flexibility and Academic Growth
We started homeschooling because of Sophia’s health issues. We chose Seton because of the solid Catholic values and amazing curriculum. We continue to homeschool because of the flexibility and how much she’s grown academically. – Susan von Stultz | May-June 2019
To Focus on Real Learning
We homeschool so that my SPD son can focus on real learning and not just how to manage his symptoms.
We also love that our children’s physical and mental well-being is improved from working in natural light and fresh air. In fact, our entire State has become their classroom, filled with museums, parks, and travel. – Elizabeth Meyer |March-April 2019
To Develop a Love for Learning
A lot of people ask: why do we homeschool? Is it the academics? Faith? Values? Safety? Yes, it is all of these, but most importantly, it is teaching our children “how” to learn and to develop a love for it. The children are safe and secure…which leads to confidence and an eagerness to learn. – Jennifer Bravata | January-February 2019
To Keep God in Our School
When our youngest, Cash, attended kindergarten at a public school, he struggled with the idea of not sharing what he knew about God. One time he came home and asked, “Why can’t I talk about Advent in school, Mommy?”
What I love most about homeschooling is the opportunity to teach Cash about God along with all of the other subjects. – Veronica Wilson | November-December 2018
To Make Time for God and Family
We homeschool to build better relationships with God and family. Homeschooling provides us with the time we need to do that. I closely guard the white space in my calendar to afford my children the opportunity to be children for as long as possible. – Mary Ellen Barrett | September-October 2018
To Keep Jesus at the Center of Our Lives
I was homeschooled growing up, and I want to pass this treasured experience to my children.
Growing up, we moved at our own pace, went to daily Mass, and learned to maintain a household full of small children. We learned to be flexible and adaptable all the while finding joy. We also had a pajama day! Most of all, Jesus and His Catholic Church were at the center of our lives. – Carissa Braun | July-August, 2018
To Trust in God’s Schedule
Last week my four-year-old daughter asked me, “Mom, can you teach me how to read?” I smiled and said, “Yes.” I know I can because He will help me. Maybe she’ll learn quickly, maybe it’ll be a long arduous struggle over the years. It doesn’t matter. She’ll learn. And she’ll learn on God’s schedule, not mine. His is the best schedule to ensure our path to heaven. – Rebekah Morse | May-June, 2018
For the High-Quality Education
I am a Seton graduate, and my daughter Kristen continues our Seton legacy! We love the high-quality education, flexibility, efficiency, accreditation, and Catholic identity that Seton provides. On a recent road trip, we stopped by the Seton office for a tour and had the honor of meeting Dr. Clark. – Nicole Early | April 2018
Here’s the place to share your favorite reason for homeschooling and your family’s photo too!