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Maria De Leon - 5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Homeschooling Experience

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Homeschooling Experience


Schedule your way to success. Homeschool senior Maria Daniela has a bag of tips and tricks that will help you succeed and enjoy your homeschool experience.

Homeschooling, as gratifying as it might be, can also be a difficult and demanding task. Whether you’re in primary school or in high school, you might find yourself overwhelmed and not being able to cope with everything that is in front of you.

I, as a senior in high school, have experienced this exact feeling, and I am going to share with you some tricks that will help you succeed and enjoy your homeschooling experience overall.

1. Make a schedule

Creating your own schedule will allow you to be able to spend more time on the subjects that are harder for you, and a little less time on the ones that are easy.

My schedule has allowed me to get an overview of the day and the week, and of how much time I have to get everything done. It also allows me to set my mind on the task that is in front of me.

You also have to remember to add breaks in between your classes; they are extremely important. I normally take around five minutes of rest between classes, and a longer twenty-minute break for a snack. Of course, make sure you do it according to your own needs.

Breaks allow you to clear your mind and not get overwhelmed by the class. With no rest, your work will get sloppy, and you will only do it to get it out of the way. Take a break, rest, it will feel like you are a new person.

2. Create a weekly bullet point list

This specific point has helped me a lot throughout the year. At the start of every week, I jot down every single essay, work, test, and reading I have to get done in the week. I write every subject with a different color and I put a check mark down every time I finish each assignment.

I had gotten delayed in my work, and by doing this I was able to plan out what I had to do to get back on track. I organized the list by day and it allowed me to oversee the work that I had pending and what I had to complete.

You can keep your list pinned in front of you or on your desk, allowing you to see it every day while you are working, helping you to have your objectives and tasks in mind. Good organization will lead you to success.

3. Find time to do what you love

Whether it is reading, drawing, writing or playing sports, we all have something we are passionate about. One of the great advantages of homeschooling is the flexibility it allows, so make sure you take advantage of that.

You can plan field trips with your family, for example, with my family we went one day to the beach or another day to an amusement park. Choose a place that will allow you to have a good time and clear your mind.

Your hobbies are really important. You have to allow yourself to take the time to do them. Work is important, but your health and happiness are as important too.

4. Motivate yourself

When you have no specific deadlines or a teacher pressuring you, it is hard to stay motivated and finish your work. You want to “do it later” but you end up getting behind and never finishing it. Find out ways to persuade yourself into finishing what you started.

There are a couple of tricks I do that might help you get motivated. First, visualize success; envision yourself after completing the task, how you feel, how the outcome will look or the process that leads you to finish it.

Another trick is for you to create your own deadlines; this will allow you not to get lazy and to not leave the assignment undone. Believe me, you will feel extremely satisfied with yourself after you finish everything for the day.

After finishing your work, give yourself a small reward. It does not have to be a huge deal, it can simply be watching your favorite movie, or eating a piece of chocolate, or reading your favorite book, I mean, who doesn’t like rewards, right?

5. Always have God present

Nothing will ever help you more than God. He is our guide and light and without Him, we would be lost. That is why you have to find the time to talk to Him, pray to Him.

Before each class, you should offer a small prayer. Be it the Our Father or the Hail Mary, any prayer counts. It will help you make the work easier, and you will be guided by the Holy Ghost towards your learning.

God should always be the most important part of your life; He never abandons you. Trust God in every single step of the way in your life.

I truly hope these small tips help you and allow you to enjoy homeschooling even more! Thank you and God bless.


Maria De Leon

 Maria De Leon

My name is Maria De Leon and I am a senior in high school. I lived a great part of my life in Dominican Republic and Costa Rica, but I was born in Guatemala and I moved back on December 2016. My family consists of my parents and four siblings, two older sister and two younger brothers. I have been doing homeschooling for three years now, alongside my little brothers. Homeschooling has made our lives easier as we have been moving around a lot, it has allowed us to not get delayed in our education and overall it was the best option educational wise. I love soccer with a passion and I play it three days every week. I enjoy other sports such as tennis and I love writing and reading. I hope to study journalism once I go to college. My favorite subject is English as it contains every aspect I enjoy and I also love History.

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