Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

A Lenten Guide for Homeschool Moms


This Lenten guide was written for homeschooling moms short on free time but long on their desire to please God and grow closer to him. Free Download Below.

Dear Friends,

Lenten I am always tempted by the pretty prayer journals I see online. They look so promising, their blank pages beckoning to be filled with my thoughts, insights, and prayers.

However, I am a homeschooling mother, short on time for extracurricular thoughts and insights. And my prayers tend to be those muttered over domestic catastrophes or child nonsense.

If yours is not a pensive lifestyle either, I wrote this guide for you.Lenten

Maybe you have a few minutes in the morning or evening for a Rosary or a page of spiritual reading. Mostly though your day is ensuring everyone learns to read and write and do so in clean clothes.


This guide is not fancy, no need to write anything, unless you want to. It prompts a little reading and a small amount of thinking (which you can do in the shower).

That and a daily glance at the included calendar will help keep you focused on Lent and preparing for the Risen Lord.

The Lenten Guide for Homeschool Moms was written by a homeschool mom who remembers being disappointed for not “doing” Lent correctly. I discovered there is no “perfect” Lent. There are, after all, too many math pages to grade, sandwiches to make, and diapers to change.

In the end, what is needed is a desire to please God and grow closer to him. I hope this guide helps you do that.


Mary Ellen Barrett

Download Mary Ellen Barrett’s Lenten Guide for Homeschool Moms using the button below.

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About Mary Ellen Barrett

Mother of seven children and two in heaven, Mary is wife to David and a lifelong New Yorker. She has homeschooled her children for eleven years using Seton and an enormous amount of books. She is a columnist for The Long Island Catholic and blogs here . Meet Mary Ellen.
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