Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Grateful for A Helping Hand: A Seton Family’s Journey


Navigating a plan for your child with different academic needs is stressful but Seton believes all children deserve the best Catholic education possible.

Even after all these years of homeschooling, nineteen I think, I can still panic about things. This time last year was one of those times. You see my son Sean was starting high school, and he has learning issues and we were afraid the ninth-grade curriculum was going to be too challenging.

The Road Ahead

In grammar school, I had adjusted for him, and his twin sister worked alongside him so that he did well enough, but high school feels so much more important. We are not sure what God has planned for Sean beyond high school, but we feel it is important that his curriculum be tailored to address his challenges while preparing him for life.

It is not my first time in this situation, my oldest son Ryan had autism and was not able to work at grade level ever. We used Seton’s Special Services with great success, but he died before he started high school so special needs high school was making me extremely nervous, this being our first time, and you would think since I work for the company, I would be more confident but when we are choosing what is best to do for our children my husband and I are just nervous parents trying to make good decisions.

When I finally made the call to Seton’s Special Services and had a session with Karen Eriksson-Lee my apprehension and anxiety settled down within a few minutes. Karen spent a lot of time listening to my concerns for Sean. We talked about his gifts and his challenges and our hopes for his high school career. I hung up well over an hour later with a clear plan and a new ally in helping my Sean find God’s plan for his life.

Fulfilling God’s Promise

Navigating a plan for your child with different academic needs is stressful. Seton has always believed that all children should have the best Catholic education possible.

While their typical curriculum is not suited for everyone, there is an entire staff of people who will put their whole heart into helping you educate the student who does not fit the mold, so they have the chance to become everything God created them to be, which is really the whole point of education anyway.

About Mary Ellen Barrett

Mother of seven children and two in heaven, Mary is wife to David and a lifelong New Yorker. She has homeschooled her children for eleven years using Seton and an enormous amount of books. She is a columnist for The Long Island Catholic and blogs here . Meet Mary Ellen.
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