- Pope St. ___ the Great has a calendar and a type of church music named after him.
- St. Peter ___ baptized and ministered to many thousands of African slaves.
- The Feast of Our Lady of ___ is usually celebrated on September 15th.
- The Holy ___ of Mary is celebrated on September 12th.
- St. ___, archbishop of Constantinople who died in 407, earned the nickname Chrysostom, which means “golden mouthed,” for his eloquent preaching.
- The Exaltation of the Holy ___ is celebrated on September 14th.
- St. ___ Bellarmine wrote a famous catechism.
- This man was a tax collector before he became an Apostle.
- St. ___ of Pietrelcina spent long hours in the confessional and had the gift of reading souls.
- This saint was the brother of St. Cosmas; they were early Roman martyrs.
- St. ___ de Paul is well known for his service to the poor.
- This saint translated the Bible into Latin; his translation is called “the Vulgate” and is the official translation of the Church.

‘Saints for September’ Crossword
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