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Tag Archives: busy

The Problem with Being Too Busy - by Dr. Mitchell Kalpakgian

The Problem with Being Too Busy

by Dr. Mitchell Kalpakgian | In “The Prologue” to The Canterbury Tales Chaucer introduces the Man of Law, one of the characters on the pilgrimage to the shrine of Thomas a Beckett, with these famous lines: “No one in England matched his bustling about,/ But still, he wasn’t so busy as he always made out.”

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Each Day is Forever: Are You Living With an Eternal Mindset?

Multitasking: The Jury is Out

by Mary Lou Warren | All my life, I thought the ability to multitask was a positive and desirable “talent” to acquire. It seemed a great way to accomplish numerous tasks in a short period of time. Intellectually I reasoned that with all the many technological innovations at hand, life should become simpler.

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Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

Stillness is a thing which it seems harder and harder to find. The constant barrage of information that comes to us now is seemingly more confusing than ever. Years ago, I remember seeing pictures of Times Square, with its multiple electronic screens flashing messages to passersby, and I thought it would be a rather disorienting place to be.

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Help? You got it!

Question from a Seton Mom: What do those homeschooling moms out there with both school-age children and toddlers do to keep the little ones occupied? I have a child in ...

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