Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources
4 Beautiful Quotes to Bless Your Christmas Season - Amanda Evinger

4 Beautiful Quotes to Bless Your Christmas Season


Amanda Evinger shares four unique and profound quotes from the Saints and relates them to the Christmas spiritual journey of our homeschooling families.

I’m determined to keep this Christmas Season as contemplative as possible.

I’d love to really reconnect with the power of divine joy, and allow the message of the Christ Child to permeate our home and school environment. Easy as pie? Absolutely not — but well worth the effort.

After all, if we Catholics don’t celebrate the liturgical seasons as they should be celebrated, who will? The treasury of the Church offers us tremendous graces in its sacred liturgy which, when embraced, help us to flourish and bring forth bountiful fruit for the Kingdom of God. Trust me, I grew up Calvinist, and for us, Advent didn’t really exist, Jesse Trees were totally unheard of, and Christmas was only one day long! As my kids would say, “BORING!”

With this goal in mind, I decided to provide some fabulous quotes to meditate on all throughout the Christmas Season.

1. Celebrate Christmas every day!

“Celebrate the feast of Christmas every day; even every moment in the interior temple of your spirit, remaining like a baby in the bosom of the heavenly Father, where you will be reborn each moment in the Divine Word,” —St. Paul of the Cross.

This coming liturgical year, we can make a little goal to remember the joy of Christmas all year long. We may even consider leaving one of our Christmas ornaments or decorations out to help us keep the happiness of this beautiful season in our hearts.

I used to love keeping a miniature Divine Infant in my car (but that had to come to an end, as every time I turned a sharp corner, he would go flying!) to remind me of Christmas each day.

As homeschooling families, we need to keep the glad message of salvation in our minds, so that when struggles come and tough days loom, we will remember what the end purpose of our endeavors truly is — spending life in eternity with our Creator, and bringing our loved ones along with us.

2. The Beauty of Christmas

“Today Godhead pressed itself like a seal upon manhood, so that with the Godhead’s stamp, manhood might be adorned,” —St. Ephraem the Syrian

As we contemplate the beauty of Christmas, may we not forget to reflect on the beauty of the divine humility of Christ. He came not only to save us but to be like us to be one with us.

How can we thank Him for “adorning” us with this unspeakable honor?

With prayer, love, and adoration, and by celebrating the true meaning of Christmas with all of our hearts, remaining humble in all we do. As homeschooling parents, we have so many rich opportunities to be humble like Christ.

We are often misunderstood by the world and asked to make great sacrifices of our time, talent and treasure — sacrifices that are often disrespected by those around us. In many ways, Christmas can be seen as the “feast day” for homeschooling families.

It is centered on the King of Kings, who in a sense, founded Christian homeschooling to begin with! It also emanates with the love of family, and the cultivation of generosity, wisdom, and charity, which are much needed in a home where schooling takes place.

3. Christmas Through God’s Love

“It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you… yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand.” — St. (Mother) Teresa of Calcutta.

This quote reminds us that Christ is reborn in our hearts when we try to reflect Him to all those around us. As homeschooling parents, this can be a real challenge from time to time.

By remembering that we are bringing the peace of the Infant Savior to our children when we teach them with patience and diligence, we can triumph over bad moods and setbacks.

Just as missionaries like Mother Teresa have been called to be charitable to those who need them the most, so we are called to encourage our discouraged students, take time to hug a crying preschooler, and go the “extra mile” to help our children discover and develop their talents.

4. St. (Mother) Teresa of Calcutta

“We desire to be able to welcome Jesus at Christmas-time, not in a cold manger of our heart, but in a heart full of love and humility, a heart so pure, so immaculate, so warm with love for one another.” — St. (Mother) Teresa of Calcutta.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the Season, let us make use of our flexible homeschooling schedules to warm our hearts with the fire of Christ’s love through more frequent reception of the Sacraments, more fervent  reading of God’s Word, and a dedication to the liturgy like never before — for all of the days of Christmas!

This will allow us to go into the New Year, radiated by His presence, and brimming with His grace.

About Amanda Evinger

Born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Amanda Evinger now lives in rural North Dakota with her husband Michael and their three young children. Together, they have two home businesses, keep a bountiful garden and care take St. Clement's Oratory. Amanda is passionate about being a Seton homeschooling Mom and dedicated homemaker. She also works from home as Senior Writer for Catholic Stewardship Consultants. Although raised Calvinist, she became Catholic in 2001, and then spent several years living with Blessed Mother Teresa's sisters and the Contemplative Sisters of St. John. She holds a Bachelor's Degree from Hope College in Spanish and Theology with minor studies in Creative Writing.

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