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It’s Fun to Learn with Saintly Seton Magazine Posters


Free to Download! Colorful saint posters for your classroom wall or refrigerator door make it easy to learn about these saintly heroes.

Just click to download these beautiful saint posters from the Seton Magazine using the links below. And they’re free! Pin them to your classroom wall or tape them on your refrigerator and see how your children learn about these wonderful saintly heroes.


January 6 Among the many customs and traditions to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany are finding the hidden bean in the King’s bread and receiving gifts from La Befana. The feast is celebrated on January 6.

January 23 Mother Marianne, in the language of truth and love, worked tirelessly for her patients, the poor suffering from leprosy, and even Saint Damien in his last days. Her feast is January 23.

January 28 Thomas’s writing blended Aristotelian philosophy and Christian theology and was adopted as the official philosophy of the church in 1917. His feast day is January 28.

January 31 A dream led St. John Bosco to a life dedicated to teaching, encouraging, and caring for neglected boys using methods that exemplified a loving and merciful God. His feast day is January 31.


February 1 Blessed with a generous spirit, Brigid, born to a slave, was graced to perform many miracles, do great works, and go on to inspire a nation. Her feast is February 1.

February 3  St. Blaise is well to ask a miracle from St. Blaise, a popular saint during the Middle Ages, one of the 14 Holy Helpers, and a physician known for miraculous cures. His feast is February 3.

February 8 Kidnapped and sold into slavery, St. Josephine Bakhita miraculously was led to the Canossian Sisters serving others for forty-two years with her ever-present smile. Her feast is February 8.

February 14 St. Valentine There are many legends on the origin of St. Valentine’s Day, but we know that he was a man of great faith and is the patron of love, devotion, and romance. His feast day is February 14.


March 17 St. Patrick was born in Roman Britain. At age 16, he was captured by Irish pirates and sold as a slave. He suffered many trials but would go on to convert Ireland.  His feast day is March 17.

March 19 In times of trial look to Saint Joseph, his example shows us how to trust in God particularly when the paths of our lives do not turn out as we would wish. The Feast of St. Joseph is March 19.


April 16 The lady asked Bernadette to return every day for a fortnight and so began the daily visions which embarrassed her parents and consumed the local parish… Her feast is April 16.

April 23 The example of St. George teaches us to have faith that God will give us the courage, strength, and fortitude needed to fight the dragons in our lives. His feast day is April 23.

April 25 His symbol, the winged lion, Saint Mark, comfort to Paul, and founder of Alexandria’s first church was the first to bring the Gospel to Africa. His feast is April 25.

April 28 St. Gianna Beretta Molla, wife, mother, physician; made a heroic decision during her complicated pregnancy. “If you must decide between me and the child…Save the baby.” St. Gianna’s feast day is April 28.


May 15 Saint Dymphna lives on to comfort the nervous and emotionally challenged and her adoptive Belgium town is the model for innovative health care. Her feast is May 15.

May 22 St. Rita of Cascia, born Margherita Lotti, was an Augustinian nun known as a peacemaker and patron saint of impossible cases, abused women, and parents. Her feast day is May 22.

May 30 St. Joan of Arc, Maid of Orléans, patron saint of soldiers and France, had a typical life growing up; spinning wool and helping to gather the harvest. But at 13 years old, she began hearing the voices of saints who gave her a mission for her from God; to save France. Against all odds, she succeeded. Her feast day is May 30.


June 13  St. Anthony’s sermons were eloquent, passionate, and knowledgeable and while they were profound, they were simple enough for the average person to understand. His feast is June 13.

June 26 St. Josemaria teaches us to seek holiness by offering our daily tasks to God with love, thus the ordinary becomes extraordinary. His feast is June 26.

June 29 St. Peter was a simple man, not wealthy or educated yet called by Christ to establish the church on earth. How does that speak to what we are called to do? His feast is June 29.


July 12 What we know about St. Veronica and her act of kindness is based on tradition, but still, her veil is considered one of the Church’s most treasured relics. Her feast is July 12.

July 25 Legend says this giant of a man, St. Christopher,  sought to serve the greatest king and would not rest until he found him. Finally, the Christ Child found him. His feast is June 29. His feast is July 25.


August 8 St. Dominic was a dogged defender of the Faith, an enthusiastic promoter of the Rosary, and founder of the Order of Preachers, also known as the Dominicans. His feast is August 8.

August 14 Saint Maximilian is the patron of journalists, families, prisoners, the pro-life movement, the chemically addicted, and eating disorders. His feast is August 14.

August 18 Constantine tasked his mother, Saint Helena to travel the Empire and gather holy objects. It was during these pilgrimages that Helena discovered the True Cross. Her feast is August 18.

August 23 St. Rose of Lima, was devoted to homeless children, the elderly, and the sick. She fed and cared for them in her home, saying, “When we serve the poor and the sick, we serve Jesus.” Her feast day is August 23.

August 28 St. Augustine was a Catholic Bishop and Theologian. He is the patron saint of printers and theologians. His feast day is August 28.


September 18 The patron saint of students and aviators, St. Joseph of Cupertino was a Franciscan Friar and Priest known as the Flying Friar because he would rise from the ground while saying the Mass or praying. His feast day is September 18.

September 23 St. Padre Pio bore the wounds of Christ and he is the patron saint of civil defense volunteers, adolescents, and stress relief. His feast is September 23.

September 27 It was hearing the deathbed confession of a peasant that inspired Vincent de Paul to begin a lifetime of aid to the disadvantaged and bring souls to Christ. His feast is September 27.

September 28  Saint Lorenzo Ruiz is the Patron saint of the Philippines, Filipino Youth, People Working Overseas, and Altar Servers. His feast is September 28.

September 29 Celebrating the feast the Archangels remind us that God tasked each with very specific tasks and each with a mission in salvation history.


October 15 It was not easy for St. Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church, to discern her vocation but once she did, her influence even within her life was remarkable. Her feast day is October 15.

October 21 Little is known about St. Ursula’s maidens, but a Basilica on the site of her martyrdom and female bones below give credence to the legends. Her feast is October 21.

October 22 Pope St. John Paul II was born in 1920. He was the 264th Pope and served for 26 years. He was the most widely traveled Pope in history, visiting 129 countries. His feast day is October 22.


November 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary is known for her Christian charity and is the patron saint of bakers, brides, and Catholic charities. Her feast is November 17.

November 22 Patroness of music and musicians, St. Cecilia is one of only seven women, including the Blessed Virgin Mary, listed in the canon of the Roman Catholic Mass. Her feast is November 22.

November 25 St. Catherine of Alexandria converted many learned pagans, soldiers, and even members of the royal household to Christianity. In anger, Empire Maxentius had them all executed. Her feast is November 25.


December 3 St. Francis Xavier, the patron saint of missionaries, sailors, Japan, and the East Indies. With Ignatius of Loyola and companions, he founded the Society of Jesus. His feast day is December 3.

December 4 St. Barbara is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, venerated because their intercession is believed to be particularly effective against diseases.

December 9 St. Juan Diego “Am I not here, I, who am your mother? Listen and understand, my littlest son, let nothing frighten and afflict you or trouble your heart.” His feast is December 9.

December 13 Saint Lucy consecrated herself to God and was true to her promise of purity even through horrible torture. She is one of the seven women mentioned in the Mass. Her feast is December 13.

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