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Tag Archives: mercy

A Tribute to a Mother’s Hands

A Tribute to a Mother’s Hands

by Kerry Costanzo | I love the poem, "The Beautiful Hands of a Priest," and I began thinking the other day about how one could write a similar reflection on the hands of mothers. While a mother’s hands do not share the dignity of those of a priest, they nevertheless have their own special value.

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‘I Belong to Christ’: How One Man Overcomes Depression and Finds Hope

‘I Belong to Christ’: How One Man Overcomes Depression and Finds Hope

by John Clark | This Christmas, I prayed to God: “I know that there are certain and special ways in which you want me to spiritually advance this Christmas. Please show me what they are.” During late December of last year, I read John Janaro’s book, Never Give Up: My Life and God’s Mercy, and I believe that this book was part of the answer to my prayer.

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Got Faith? Pumpkin Chili and the Catechism

Got Faith? Pumpkin Chili and the Catechism

Several days ago, I was in the kitchen whipping up a pot of pumpkin chili, (recipe included below!) while reflecting on some thoughts regarding faith. Earlier in the day, when my daughter was sitting at the kitchen table working on her Catechism lesson, the subject of faith came up. My daughter wanted to know if everyone who believes in Jesus is a Christian.

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