Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Ginny Seuffert

The 3 Marks of a Quality Catholic Education

The 3 Marks of a Quality Catholic Education

Every Catholic homeschooler knows the marks of the church – One, holy, catholic and apostolic. We recite them in the Creed at Mass, and they remind us of the nature of our Church. In much the same way, Catholic homeschooling has marks and characteristics too.

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6 Tips to Surviving Christmas

6 Tips to Surviving Christmas

Sometimes it seems like the work for Mom is never ending in our large Catholic families. By Thanksgiving, the first quarter assignments have been completed and the homeschooling is clipping along nicely. Then Bang! Along comes the Christmas season, doubling the work load but halving the class time! It’s more than a little discouraging!

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5 Tips and Tricks for Teaching Math to Tikes!

5 Tips and Tricks for Teaching Math to Tikes!

Little learners still have to memorize their math facts— addition, and subtraction—and Mom, or in this case Grandma, still has to drill them. Each time I open Math 2 For Young Catholics to one of those long drill pages, I think to myself that it must seem like approaching Mt. Everest to a little kid.

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Anticipating the New School Year

Many of you find your school day schedule continuously interrupted by telephone calls and even unannounced visits from relatives and friends. One mom told me, “My extended family lives nearby, and while they are supportive of my home school, they just don’t get it!

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Independent Work

Independent Work

Many home schooling teachers wonder how much parental help with schoolwork is too much. Some would like to sit with each individual student, but simply do not have the time. ...

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Educational Gifts

Educational Gifts

Most of us breathe a sigh of relief when Christmas shopping is finished, but then reality rears its ugly head, and we realize that birthdays are year round, and gift ...

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On Time and On Task

On Time and On Task

Training the children to do their tasks on time and in a timely manner is no small feat, yet it can be done with planning, keeping to the schedule, and ...

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Fall Food Prep

Fall Food Prep

Every fall, circumstances in the typical homeschool family line up to create a perfect educational opportunity. First, Mom is wistfully remembering how Dad grilled all summer as she tries to ...

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Interfering Atheists

Interfering Atheists

My last two blog posts made the case for defunding the present public education system and passing on the cash to parents who will then be financially able to choose ...

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