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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

College Prep

Author Bio

Author Bio

bob_wiesnerBob Wiesner earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Christendom College and his M.A. in Theological Studies from Maryknoll School of Theology. He has worked in many capacities in his twenty years with Seton,most recently in Guidance and Curriculum. His passions include classical music, iconography and history.

Bob writes the column College Prep.

Below is a list of his articles, the most recent first.

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It’s Nice to Share

To steal a phrase from Charles Dickens, for the Catholic Church the beginning of the Third Millennium is the best of times and the worst of times. On one hand, ...

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Conversations with Children

One morning a short while ago, I woke up before the rest of the family and started making myself breakfast. Roused from the smell of coffee, my five-year-old daughter Dominica ...

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A Love Letter

Last month, I encouraged fathers to spend a little time meditating on the life of St. Joseph and asking him for help. This month, I’m encouraging you to deepen your ...

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Before the Throne of God

January brings a promise of a new year, of a new chance, of remembrances and resolutions. So if you’re in the process of looking for resolutions as a Catholic father, ...

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Coming to a Stadium Near You

Since the dawn of the home schooling movement in America, the question has been asked: “Can home schoolers compete academically with their brick-and-mortar counterparts?” Since every serious study has supported ...

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Love of Learning

In the mid twentieth century, John Holt attempted to popularize a method of home education, called un-schooling, which calls for parents to provide a rich environment in the home which ...

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Mere Fatherhood

This monthly column is devoted to examining the role of the Catholic father, and how we fathers can better live our calling. Mostly, it has been about theory. This time, ...

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Driven to Distraction

“Why can’t we ever do anything fun?” my seven-year-old son asked the other day. This is a common enough question from children. It struck me as odd this particular time, ...

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Hitting Your Stride

October is here and most of us have settled into our home schooling year. Let’s face it, more than a few are already feeling overwhelmed, and even veteran moms see ...

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Starting Out

Most of you have already begun your school year, and first-timers may be discovering that home education is not quite what was anticipated. So many articles you read online spoke ...

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A Day in the Life

Fathers, you think you’ve have a bad day. Let me tell you what your wife’s day has been like. 8:47AM.  The dog ran into the house and tracked mud on ...

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What’s At Stake

Because I have the worst directional sense of anyone I know, last summer I bought a global positioning satellite (GPS) receiver for my car. Now, I never get lost driving, ...

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