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Tag Archives: dickens

Why the Liberal Arts are Essential

Why the Liberal Arts are Essential

by Mitchell Kalpakgian | It is common to hear students dismiss certain fields of knowledge as useless to their profession and career. Why should students majoring in information technology, accounting, music, or biology study philosophy, literature, or Latin? Surely they will not need this knowledge in their specialized, technical fields of study.

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Dealing with Tragedy: Lessons from Dickens’ ‘David Copperfield’

Dealing with Tragedy: Lessons from Dickens’ ‘David Copperfield’

While it is a most human to desire the ideal, seek the best, and have the highest goals, all human lives suffer damages and require rebuilding. The unfaithful husband or wife, the deaths and illnesses in a family, the rebellion of the prodigal son or daughter, the loss of income or work all inflict destruction of some kind that forces another beginning, a fresh approach, a new idea, or the exercise of a heroic virtue.

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