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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Author Archives: Marlicia Fernandez

Marlicia homeschooled her two children with Seton for fourteen years in Europe and in the USA. She has a BS in Special Education with concentrations in music and in psychology. Marlicia works for Seton in Special Services and Grading. Meet Marlicia
Onward, Ever Onward! Lenten Advice for Homeschoolers

Onward, Ever Onward! Lenten Advice for Homeschoolers

by Marlicia Fernandez | Lent is flying by and the pink vestments (or the rose, as many a priest has informed many a congregation) have made their appearance during the Mass, for Laetare Sunday. That means we are a little more than half-way through the Lenten season. Most of us find that exciting because we see the light at the end of the Lenten tunnel. Easter is right around the corner!

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7 Ideas for a More Meaningful Advent

7 Ideas for a More Meaningful Advent

The weather is changing and the holiday season is upon us. Decorations have been up in stores for weeks, a bright mishmash of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas displays to entice the consumer to buy, buy, buy. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hoopla and the craziness and lose the true meaning of what we are celebrating.

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“Why My Child?” – Dealing with a Handicapped Child

“Why My Child?” – Dealing with a Handicapped Child

It wasn’t until she was almost two, and I was expecting our second child that the first symptoms appeared. Night terrors would wake her, screaming and crying. At first we thought she was unsettled because a new sibling would be arriving soon and that because her father would be going on a remote assignment without us for a year

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Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day!

Labor Day is right around the corner. On this special occasion, many of us are given a long weekend to celebrate. We have barbeques, picnics, parties or maybe a family vacation at the beach or some other enjoyable place.

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Why Should I Go to Church?

Why Should I Go to Church?

Why can’t I just pray at home? God is everywhere, so why can’t I go out in the woods and worship there? I don’t need to go to Church and have people telling me what to do. I have the Bible. All the rules are in there.”

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What About Halloween?

What About Halloween?

Halloween is fast approaching, along with All Saints (November 1st) and All Souls (November 2) days. Halloween decorations can be seen everywhere and have been visible for weeks. It’s hard ...

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