Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Tag Archives: family

The Family: Cradle of Civil Society

The Family: Salvation of Society

Pope Leo XIII | They who would break away from Christian discipline are working to corrupt family life and to destroy it utterly, root and branch. From such an unholy purpose, they are not deterred by the fact that they are inflicting a cruel outrage on parents who have the right

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A Mission at Home

A Mission at Home

On June 10, 2012, we gathered to celebrate our first 8th grade graduation from our homeschool. Our thirteen-year-old daughter, Bernadette, rejoiced that she had successfully completed nine years of Seton ...

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The Holy Family

The Holy Family

Over the past few months, we have been highlighting a few of the many diverse families who homeschool with Seton. We have seen families with many differences, but also many ...

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Fall Food Prep

Fall Food Prep

Every fall, circumstances in the typical homeschool family line up to create a perfect educational opportunity. First, Mom is wistfully remembering how Dad grilled all summer as she tries to ...

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Strengthening the Family

Strengthening the Family

by Zaida Wohleking | Our family’s homeschooling experience began when our oldest daughter Bianca was in the seventh grade. She had been enrolled in private and parochial schools but as she was growing older,

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Holy Habits in the Home

Holy Habits in the Home

Francis Cardinal George, the Archbishop of Chicago, on Catholic radio discussed the challenges facing the young men in the seminary. Vocations to the priesthood are up in Chicago, due in ...

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