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Tag Archives: family

The Family as a Natural Society & Domestic Church

The Family as a Natural Society & Domestic Church

In the teaching of the Church, there are only three original societies or communities on Earth: the family, the Church, and the state. … According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: “The family is the original cell of social life. It is the natural society in which husband and wife are called to give themselves in love, and in the gift of life."

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One Family’s Homeschooling Saga

One Family’s Homeschooling Saga

by Charles Asper | All 19 years of my classroom education took place in public institutions. My father (a son of a Lutheran missionary and minister) was a public school teacher. I even had him as my Algebra, Trigonometry and Geometry teacher in High School (not quite homeschooling, but I really enjoyed him as a teacher).

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Shakespeare, Swordfights and Other Small Moments

Shakespeare, Swordfights and Other Small Moments

by Christine Capolino | Startling blue skies. Crisp, clear mornings and halcyon spring afternoons. An impromptu game of marbles. Discovering a family of ladybugs on the kitchen windowsill. Jungle animals imagined in drifting cloud formations. Quiet togetherness watering newly planted pansies. Joyful noise in piano and recorder tunes.

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The Real Reasons Why I Homeschool

The Real Reasons Why I Homeschool

from a Homeschooling Mother | The reason I began to homeschool is not a single reason. I was disheartened at the level of education my eldest son was receiving in the public school. In addition, we were staunch fighters against the so-called “family education,” which was nothing more than a cover and masthead for sex education.

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Does Social Media Create an Artificial Reality?

Does Social Media Create an Artificial Reality?

by John Clark | Does social networking fulfill man’s need to partake of society, thus removing his binary reduction to man or beast? Is the internet a society at all? These are philosophical questions best left to sociologists. I don’t have the answers. I merely ask them in an everyday, pedestrian sense.

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Papal Wisdom | Quotes from Encylicals and Documents

Pope Francis on Preparing the Soil

by Pope Francis | Children are not capable of accepting the faith by a free act, nor are they yet able to profess that faith on their own; therefore the faith is professed by their parents and godparents in their name. Since faith is a reality lived within the community of the Church

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What are the Marks of a Truly ‘Catholic’ Family?

What are the Marks of a Truly Catholic Family?

I have known Catholic families and I know how much light they were in the 1950’s. One family I knew as a seven-year-old boy touched me by the very fact that the father of the family led the Grace of the meal with the Sign of the Cross and the prayer asking for God’s blessing. A small thing, but small things speak to pure hearts.

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Upon this Rock

Upon this Rock

Pregnant and nauseous, I traveled with my husband, kids, and parents to Emmitsburg, Maryland, to sit on a rock. Yes, a rock. It’s a long story that begins and ends with Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. As I sat on the rock from which Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton taught her first three students, with my first three “students” Gianna...

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What is a Felsheim Family Christmas?

What is a Felsheim Family Christmas?

It looks like… White blankets of snow, sparkling Christmas lights on the front porch, and a tall, fully decorated tree; It smells like… Fresh pine needles, vanilla candles, and the aroma of homemade Christmas cookies; It sounds like… Christmas CDs, family music concerts, boisterous laughter, and the crinkle of wrapping paper;

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7 Ways Our Children Can Keep Their Way Pure | Part 5

7 Ways Our Children Can Keep Their Way Pure | Part 5

In the “Armor of God,” with which we are all called to equip ourselves (Ephesians 6:10-18), the Word of God is the “sword of the Spirit.” Daily, reverent reading of Sacred Scripture can help us to immerse ourselves in the mind of Christ and cultivate our personal relationship with Him. It can also help us to develop a living, breathing, personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, the Author of Sacred Scripture.

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Are Kids Better Off Poor?

Are Kids Better Off Poor?

The children of the Hollywood producer will never need to work a day in their lives. They can have anything they want; or more specifically, they can have anything their super wealthy dad is willing to buy for them. Ordinary families tell their children that they cannot have everything simply due to lack of money. For the super wealthy, that's just not true.

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Poverty Awareness: The 4th Principle of The Simple Life

Poverty Awareness: The 4th Principle of The Simple Life

When I was four years old and living in the Philippines, there was an elderly man who would come around our street once or twice a month to beg for food. He was ill and had a difficult time speaking. Nobody in the neighborhood seemed to know his name. Every time he came, my Lolo, or grandfather, greeted him with a hearty "Hello My Friend!" From then on, all of us children called him "My Friend".

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