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Search Results for: 4 Tips to Teach Your Children to Obey Out of Love - Not Fear

4 Simple Steps to Teach Our Children Calmly and Effectively - Abby Sasscer

4 Simple Steps to Teach Our Children Calmly and Effectively

One of the most common of my many New Year's resolutions is to become a more patient mother and teacher. Every year, it seems that I start strong but my efforts slowly fizzle out by the last week of January. My greatest challenge is to able to teach my children how to behave in ways that are pleasing to the Lord without becoming impatient and frustrated myself.

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Falling in Love Again

Falling in Love Again

Over the past several years, I have seen some of my friends divorce. When we see marriages fail, we might consider the occurrence an opportunity to work on our own. ...

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A Mother and Child - Obedience: The Bedrock for Harmony and Order in the Home

Obedience: The Bedrock for Harmony and Order in the Home

by Fr Frank Papa | We all are commanded to obey the Ten Commandments because they were given by God the Father to Moses for all of us to obey. Jesus, the Son of God, repeated the Ten Commandments and the requirement for all to obey them. We all are required to be obedient to God’s commandments. Sin is disobedience to the laws of God.

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Love and Virtue

Love and Virtue

“Love, and do what you will.” St. Augustine of Hippo There are many virtues that we might name: honesty, modesty, magnanimity, prudence, and temperance, for example. Suppose that we were ...

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