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Tag Archives: homeschoolers

Armed Forces Accept Homeschool Enlistees on Equal Terms

Armed Forces Accept Homeschool Enlistees on Equal Terms

by Gene McGuirk | For many years, the U.S. military has made it difficult for home-schooled high school students to enlist. They were often considered to be “non-graduates.” Seton has had many calls from families over the years about our graduates whom some branch would not permit to enlist. In recent years, the Department of Defense (DOD) has been running an ongoing test of new homeschooled recruits to see if they could fit in.

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Smoking and Religion: Two Things You Can’t Do in Public

Smoking and Religion: Two Things You Can’t Do in Public

by Kevin Clark | The legislature of Arizona recently passed a law which allows a business to assert a free exercise defense if it is accused of discrimination for refusing to provide a service to a customer. The Arizona law, which has gone to Governor Jan Brewer to sign or veto, closely tracks the wording of the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

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