Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Tag Archives: sacraments

What are the Marks of a Truly ‘Catholic’ Family?

What are the Marks of a Truly Catholic Family?

I have known Catholic families and I know how much light they were in the 1950’s. One family I knew as a seven-year-old boy touched me by the very fact that the father of the family led the Grace of the meal with the Sign of the Cross and the prayer asking for God’s blessing. A small thing, but small things speak to pure hearts.

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Helping Children Make Better Confessions

Helping Children Make Better Confessions

by Fr. Robert Lange | After hearing literally thousands of confessions of grade-school children, I must admit that many young people are poorly trained in understanding the nature of sin and of being aware of their own sinfulness. The lessons must come from committed parents.

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Spiritual Preparations

Spiritual Preparations

The most important final preparation for college lies in seeing to your continued spiritual health once you are away from home and on your own.  The basics are quite clear, ...

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