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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Author Archives: Contributing Writers

A wide range of authors from priests, educators, parents and students bring insight and inspiration for the homeschooling journey. We would love to hear from you! To submit your story for consideration, visit Submissions. Learn More
The Sermon on the Mount - Home Schooling and the Beatitudes

Home Schooling and the Beatitudes

The Beatitudes are worthy of our study. The first Beatitude, from the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus, encourages us to be poor in spirit. To be poor in spirit, we must empty ourselves of anything and everything that tends to displace Jesus Christ in our lives. Jesus must be first in our lives. He can’t be in second place. He must always be front and center.

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The Key to a Joyful Homeschool

The Key to a Joyful Homeschool

by Jennifer Tutwiler | Homeschoolers tend to be an optimistic group. No matter what trials we faced in the previous school year, we look forward to the next with all the anticipation of a child awaiting Christmas. For some families, though, this optimism can fade as each year becomes a worsening repetition of the previous year’s challenges. Nothing works. Nothing improves. Survival is the only thing left. This was our own experience for three very long years.

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A Mother and Child - Obedience: The Bedrock for Harmony and Order in the Home

Obedience: The Bedrock for Harmony and Order in the Home

by Fr Frank Papa | We all are commanded to obey the Ten Commandments because they were given by God the Father to Moses for all of us to obey. Jesus, the Son of God, repeated the Ten Commandments and the requirement for all to obey them. We all are required to be obedient to God’s commandments. Sin is disobedience to the laws of God.

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5 Steps to Teen Motivation

5 Steps to Teen Motivation

by Sarah Rose | Are your teens always completing their research reports at the last minute, or not completing them at all? Do your teens complain that their school work is pointless? Did you recently begin homeschooling and do your teens miss their old school and old friends? Are they rebellious and disrespectful?

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Summer in Sardinia

Summer in Sardinia

The McWilliam family was featured in the January, 2013 issue of Seton Magazine, in which we got to hear about their adventures homeschooling on the high seas.  This summer, the ...

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independence day - My Beautiful America

My Beautiful America

by Dominic de Souza | America, my beautiful America | Born in a storm of tears and rebels, | Watered by patience, pride and joy, | Nourished by prayer and labor, | And blessed by God with freedom.

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Mary Queen of Angels - Education in the Family

Education in the Family

Several years ago, His Excellency Cardinal Jose Sanchez was the featured speaker at the Catholic Home Education conference in Manassas, Virginia. He had traveled from Rome in his position as ...

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Tourists in Tunisia

The McWilliam family was featured in the January, 2013 issue of Seton Magazine, in which we got to hear about their adventures homeschooling on the high seas.  This summer, the ...

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Moored in Malta

The McWilliam family was featured in the January, 2013 issue of Seton Magazine, in which we got to hear about their adventures homeschooling on the high seas.  This summer, the ...

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Why Home Schooling?

Why Home Schooling?

Father John Hardon, a highly respected Catholic theologian, now deceased and currently being considered for beatification, spoke to homeschooling parents at a conference. This is a selection of his comments. ...

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