Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources



Help! My High School Students Can’t Concentrate With Younger Children Around!

by Mary Kay Clark | Consider asking your older children to start their schoolwork earlier in the day, for instance, at 7:30 a.m., so they can get at least one or two subjects done before the noise begins from the younger children. Since older children usually stay up later than younger ones, they might try doing some of their schoolwork after the little ones are in bed.

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Spring Cleaning the Girls’ Room!

Spring Cleaning the Girls’ Room!

by Abby Sasscer | When Baby Girl felt she was ready to move in her sister’s room, our challenge was to make them feel like they had their own “special space”. This took a bit of creativity since the space we were working with was so limited. When Baby Girl is a bit older, we will eventually move a bunk bed in here to make their special space a bit more permanent.

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Saint Monica, Patron Saint of Mothers

Saint Monica, Patron Saint of Mothers

by Mary Kay Clark | St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine, is considered by the Church to be a patron saint for mothers, and is honored by the Church with her feast day on May 4th. Monica was born in 332—only 300 years after the crucifixion of Jesus—in Tagaste, currently Algeria, in North Africa.

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Bills, Budgeting and the Bible: How I Figured Them Out

Bills, Budgeting and the Bible: How I Figured Them Out

by Liz Beller | The past few months have put a little strain on our wallets… due to that finally, a year and a half after our wedding, my husband and I are beginning to budget. I know, we probably should have started sooner, but getting over the initial hurdles of settling into an apartment, figuring out monthly bills, oh yeah, and having a baby, pushed budgeting to the back burner.

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Each Day is Forever: Are You Living With an Eternal Mindset?

Multitasking: The Jury is Out

by Mary Lou Warren | All my life, I thought the ability to multitask was a positive and desirable “talent” to acquire. It seemed a great way to accomplish numerous tasks in a short period of time. Intellectually I reasoned that with all the many technological innovations at hand, life should become simpler.

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‘The Sanctuary’ in Pre-Production – Navis Pictures Making New Movie

‘The Sanctuary’ in Pre-Production – Navis Pictures Making New Movie

Jim Morlino from Navis Pictures, Director of EWTN favorites 'The War of the Vendee' and 'St Bernadette of Lourdes', is helming a new film to be completed by December 2014. "The Sanctuary" is an exciting and poignant, feature-length drama set in 1949 about a group of plucky children who escape the "confines" of their orphanage - only to find themselves lost in a forest of confusion and unrest.

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Celebrating Easter for 50 Days!

Celebrating Easter for 50 Days!

by Monica McConkey | Forty days is a long time! Although our Lenten program pales in comparison to Jesus’ sojourn in the desert, we recognize the struggles of our sacrifices and resolutions and how difficult they can be to maintain for forty whole days.

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Is Homeschooling Really Allowed in China?

Is Homeschooling Really Allowed in China?

by Mary Lou Warren | Recently I came across a Wall Street Journal article on homeschooling in China which caught my attention. I was surprised at the concept that homeschooling might even be considered in China of all places. Surprise, surprise, according to the article, homeschooling is becoming popular there.

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