by Liz Beller | As a new stay-at-home mom, I’ve been going through a lot of adjusting. Since when did staying at home all day leave me with less time than I had before?
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Contributing Writers March 4, 2014 8,941 Views
by Liz Beller | As a new stay-at-home mom, I’ve been going through a lot of adjusting. Since when did staying at home all day leave me with less time than I had before?
Read More »Contributing Writers March 3, 2014 15,129 Views
by Jennifer Tutwiler | These days, the measure of good parenting seems to be how care-free and enjoyable an existence we have enabled for our children. Children are expected to play with their toys, play outside, play with their friends, play sports, play with video games... and yet today’s children are some of the most behaviorally challenged in human history.
Read More »Contributing Writers March 2, 2014 9,731 Views
by Kerry Costanzo | I love the poem, "The Beautiful Hands of a Priest," and I began thinking the other day about how one could write a similar reflection on the hands of mothers. While a mother’s hands do not share the dignity of those of a priest, they nevertheless have their own special value.
Read More »Contributing Writers March 1, 2014 8,502 Views
One of the ends of marriage is the procreation and education of children. Procreation has gotten a good deal of attention in the recent history of the Church, but education is often of less interest.
Read More »Contributing Writers February 27, 2014 12,412 Views
by Kerry Costanzo | Let's face it. In this kids-eat-your-treats-and-break-your-things world, it's every mom for herself. How many of you moms out there have faced this scenario: It's 11 PM at the end of another homeschooling day.
Read More »Ginny Seuffert February 26, 2014 12,659 Views
by Ginny Seuffert | Master educator, John Taylor Gatto, abandoned the New York City government school system in the early 1990’s stating that he was not longer willing to “hurt children.” He has devoted his life since then to articulating a different vision of education that turns children into lifetime learners.
Read More »Dr. Mitchell Kalpakgian February 18, 2014 9,490 Views
by Mitchell Kalpakgian | Listening to the talk shows on television every night, watching athletic events all day Saturday and Sunday, and spending hours on the Internet do not organize the day, deserve priority, or require the discipline of will power. They do not breathe life, nourish the mind, or lift the soul. A person does not need more time to do these essential things but a greater desire to do first things first.
Read More »John Clark February 15, 2014 9,305 Views
by John Clark | This Christmas, I prayed to God: “I know that there are certain and special ways in which you want me to spiritually advance this Christmas. Please show me what they are.” During late December of last year, I read John Janaro’s book, Never Give Up: My Life and God’s Mercy, and I believe that this book was part of the answer to my prayer.
Read More »Contributing Writers February 14, 2014 7,702 Views
by CCC | It seemed like an ordinary lunch hour for a Legal Clerk in her mid-twenties, even working for a Supreme Court Justice. Yet the normal lunchtime banter with her Boss somehow took a turn for the extraordinary. Soon, they were engaged in a discussion on the Catholic Dogma of Mary as the Immaculate Conception.
Read More »Dr. Mitchell Kalpakgian February 13, 2014 8,916 Views
by Mitchell Kalpakgian | The whole episode made no sense to him, and he was at a loss for some possible explanation for his great frustration. The only comfort his mind offers is the knowledge that the accident was not a great tragedy. He acknowledges with gratitude the escape from other “torments and evils to which even this wasted wine would have seemed a wretched jest.”
Read More »Dr. Mary Kay Clark February 10, 2014 12,914 Views
by Mary Kay Clark | The most important subject is religion. We are homeschooling because we want to teach Catholic values and the Catholic Faith to our children. Most homeschooling families in this country are Christian families who see that the public schools have completely eliminated religion from their classrooms.
Read More »Contributing Writers February 8, 2014 8,313 Views
by Thomas J. Centrella | The foundation of this country is the Constitution. It is the mind of the nation. The cornerstone of this foundation is the Declaration of Independence.
Read More »Dr. Mitchell Kalpakgian February 6, 2014 8,391 Views
So often in human life we wonder if someone is going to call, coming to visit, or going to write us a letter. We assume that we are to expect, ...
Read More »Featured Families February 4, 2014 17,172 Views
by Heather Kerbis | A large homeschooling family seems natural to us now, but in the beginning, homeschooling was not on our radar. We were married relatively young, in our very early 20s, and assumed our children would go to the classroom for education.
Read More »Contributing Writers February 2, 2014 11,143 Views
Jennifer Tutwiler tried every kind of schedule there is. Her family couldn't settle into a a successful schedule - until she broke free of 5 popular myths.
Read More »Contributing Writers February 1, 2014 7,757 Views
By Sarah Rose | There are some things we come to appreciate more as we get older. Oftentimes, cradle Catholics may not have a deep appreciation for their faith until they experience a type of conversion in their teen or young adult years.
Read More »Contributing Writers January 31, 2014 8,169 Views
Pope Francis: "There is another form of poverty! It is the spiritual poverty of our time, which afflicts the so-called richer countries particularly seriously. It is what my much-loved predecessor, Benedict XVI, called the ‘tyranny of relativism,’ which allows everyone to create his own criterion and endangers the coexistence of peoples. But there is no true peace without truth.”
Read More »Dr. Mary Kay Clark January 27, 2014 10,984 Views
On February 11, 1858, the Blessed Mother appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France, when Bernadette was only fourteen years old. The “lady” appeared to be only about sixteen, wearing a white veil and a white gown with a blue sash.
Read More »Kevin Clark January 25, 2014 7,852 Views
Kevin Clark shares how God looked out for youngster, Fr. Robert Lange, and saved him from many mishaps. Read more in his memoirs!
Read More »Contributing Writers January 24, 2014 7,171 Views
For the homeschooling mother of many, there's always more; more to organize and more to do. Always more little faces to wash, more nails to clip, more hair growing back into bright, smiling eyes, more boo-boos needing more band-aids and more baby teeth to brush.
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