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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Tag Archives: mark

The Tremendous Gift of Freedom and Destiny

The Tremendous Gift of Freedom and Destiny

Recently in a class to our Confirmation students, I was attempting to explain that much of morality can be traced to Genesis 1:26-27 and the creation of man in the ‘image and likeness of God.’ As I was preparing for the lesson, I thought back to three works that have inspired me and have always been faithful companions in my teaching experiences

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The 3 Marks of a Quality Catholic Education

The 3 Marks of a Quality Catholic Education

Every Catholic homeschooler knows the marks of the church – One, holy, catholic and apostolic. We recite them in the Creed at Mass, and they remind us of the nature of our Church. In much the same way, Catholic homeschooling has marks and characteristics too.

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