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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

John Clark

Wrong Address

Wrong Address

While attending Christendom College, sometime between Metaphysics and Economics class, I decided that I wanted to become a stockbroker. Many brokers begin their careers when they are a bit older—some ...

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Culture Shock

Culture Shock

I recently spoke to a mom who lamented the fact that the modern culture is so bad that we really can’t expect as much from children and teenagers as we ...

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Going My Way

Going My Way

One recent morning, after working out in my local gym (I know what you’re thinking…this story already sounds fictional), I walked outside to my car and noticed that one of ...

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Most Catholics are aware that the Church places a special designation to virgins and martyrs among the saints. For instance, if you look at the “saint for the day” on ...

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In times of difficulty, people often turn to art to inspire them. For instance, on the wall of my office, I have a painting called The Triumph of the Innocents. ...

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Lost in Translation

In ancient times, the Egyptians, lacking an advanced alphabet, used a combination of pictures to express their ideas. That might amuse us in this day and age, but it seems ...

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Plum Pudding and Scrabble

My children and I were recently speaking about when and how I first began home schooling. The textbook answer is that I started home schooling in the sixth grade, but ...

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No Rest for the Weary

Moms instinctively know how to help their children. It has been said that no thermometer is as accurate as a mother’s hand. There is a lot of truth to that saying.

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Under the Sea… Almost

As I have written in prior articles, my thirteen-year-old son Demetrius has long had aspirations to be a marine biologist. And as a parent who seeks to encourage his children ...

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Television and Lent

With Ash Wednesday fast approaching, many home schooling families are revisiting their annual question: “What should we give up for Lent?” While there are many worthwhile answers to the question, ...

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A Night Out

When we were first married, Lisa and I made a pact to go out on a date at least once a week. And, more or less, we’ve been faithful to ...

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As I write this article, I will turn forty years old in ten days. You would think with four decades of life on this earth under my belt that I’d ...

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A New Year

As I sat down to write this article, I kept wondering what I should write about to inspire home schooling fathers for yet another school year. Let’s face it, I ...

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Play Ball!

It had been a rough day. I was buried in paperwork at the office, two of my children were sick, and the rain had been drizzling since morning. It would ...

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