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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Kevin Clark

Motivation and Home Schooling: Finding the Right Carrot

Motivation and Home Schooling: Finding the Right Carrot

I recall once going to my aunt’s house to baby sit for her three daughters. While in the kitchen, I was amused to see that she had a picture of a swimsuit model on her refrigerator. Before pulling anything out of the refrigerator to eat, my aunt had to look at the picture. This was clearly meant to dissuade her from eating, in hopes of having a figure like the woman in the picture. While the idea was amusing to me, it made some sense. Although my aunt had a general intention to lose weight, the picture gave her direct motivation at the time it was most needed.

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Bear One Another’s Burdens

Bear One Another’s Burdens

A couple of weeks ago I attended the annual conference of the National Stuttering Association in Scottsdale, Arizona. Why anyone schedules a conference in Scottsdale in July is beyond me ...

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Love and Virtue

Love and Virtue

“Love, and do what you will.” St. Augustine of Hippo There are many virtues that we might name: honesty, modesty, magnanimity, prudence, and temperance, for example. Suppose that we were ...

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Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time

When I was perhaps eleven or twelve years old, I happened upon a piece of music called Once Upon a Time. It was from a Broadway play that I had ...

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Weighing in the Balance

Weighing in the Balance

The old phrase “hate the sin, but love the sinner” reveals a deeply Christian sentiment. Yes, we see sin as the greatest offense against God, but we don’t consider the ...

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Roger Ebert and Confession

Roger Ebert and Confession

Roger Ebert, the Chicago-based film critic who died recently, wrote that the first thing that really pushed him away from practicing his Catholic faith was his unwillingness to confess certain ...

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Recycling Wisdom

Recycling Wisdom

The other day, I performed a task which is very common for the father of a large family—I took my trash to the dump. I am not someone who is ...

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Pragmatism and Principle

Two men faced each other across the expanse of a wide room. Although events had pushed them together, the two could not have been more different. The one man had ...

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For nearly the whole of 2009, Seton has been occupied with matters of accreditation. In order to maintain accreditation, a school must perform a self-evaluation every five years and must ...

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Driven to Distraction

“Why can’t we ever do anything fun?” my seven-year-old son asked the other day. This is a common enough question from children. It struck me as odd this particular time, ...

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