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Search Results for: St. Augustine

Saint Monica, Patron Saint of Mothers

Saint Monica, Patron Saint of Mothers

by Mary Kay Clark | St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine, is considered by the Church to be a patron saint for mothers, and is honored by the Church with her feast day on May 4th. Monica was born in 332—only 300 years after the crucifixion of Jesus—in Tagaste, currently Algeria, in North Africa.

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4 Things to Know about the ‘Te Deum’ in Musical History

4 Things to Know about the ‘Te Deum’ in Musical History

by Bob Wiesner | The Te Deum is an ancient prayer of praise, dating to the 4th Century. Traditionally ascribed to Saints Ambrose and Augustine, composed to commemorate Augustine’s baptism, scholars now also argue for the authorship of Saint Hilary or Bishop Nicetas of Remesiana. Whoever wrote it, it has a long history in the Church.

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Ten Books That Changed My Life (And Might Change Yours) Part I

Ten Books That Changed My Life (And Might Change Yours) Part I

My father, an accomplished carpenter, always seemed to be building “one more bookcase” to meet the literary demands of his wife. For all the things that our large Catholic family did not have, we had a treasury of books. My mother’s consummate genius in homeschooling pedagogy reached its zenith with a simple rule for her children: you can stay up as late as you want as long as you are reading.

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Saint Moses the Black - Bad Boys Gone Good

Bad Boys Gone Good

A recent Seton graduate informed us that he had chosen Moses for his Confirmation patron. No, not THAT Moses! There was, in fact, another Moses from the same Egyptian locality who was as colorful a character as the great Patriarch. August 28th could well be termed the feast day for bad boys gone good...

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