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Catholic Homeschool Articles, Advice & Resources

Search Results for: philos

Self-Possession: Why We All Need It

Self-Possession: Why We All Need It

Two great ancient philosophers, Marcus Aurelius in Meditations and Boethius in The Consolation of Philosophy — two works renowned for their great wisdom and moral power — teach the importance of the virtue of self-possession. Both writers observe that no persons can control the outside events that surround them.

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Recycling Wisdom

Recycling Wisdom

The other day, I performed a task which is very common for the father of a large family—I took my trash to the dump. I am not someone who is ...

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Truth in Fiction: Home Schooling and Christian Literature

I have been honored and privileged over the past few years to speak at homeschool conferences across the United States and Canada. The key element in all of my talks, and the theme that binds them together, is that Western Civilization is a specifically Christian inheritance that it is the duty of parents to pass on to their children.

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